Flutter widgets are built using a functional-reactive framework, which takes inspiration from React. The central idea is that you build your UI out of components. Components describe what their view should look like given their current configuration and state. When a component’s state changes, the component rebuilds its description, which the framework diffs against the previous description in order to determine the minimal changes needed in the underlying render tree to transition from one state to the next.

Hello World

The minimal Flutter app simply calls runApp function with a widget:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
void main() => runApp(new Center(child: new Text('Hello, world!')));

The runApp function takes the given Widget and makes it the root of the widget tree. In this example, the widget tree consists of two widgets, the Center widget and its child, the Text widget. The framework forces the root widget to cover the screen, which means the text “Hello, world” ends up centered on screen.

When writing an app, you’ll commonly author new widgets that are subclasses of either StatelessComponent or StatefulComponent, depending on whether your component manages any state. A component’s main job is to implement a build function, which describes the component in terms of other, lower-level widgets. The framework will build those components in turn until the process bottoms out in widgets that represent the underlying render object.

Basic Widgets

Flutter comes with a suite of powerful basic widgets, of which the following are very commonly used:

  • Text: The Text widget lets you create a run of styled text within your application.

  • Row, Column: These flex widgets let you create flexible layouts in both the horizontal (Row) and vertical (Column) directions. Its design is based on the web’s flexbox layout model.

  • Stack: Instead of being linearly oriented (either horizontally or vertically), a Stack widget lets you stack widgets on top of each other in paint order. You can then use the Positioned widget on children of a Stack to position them relative to the top, right, bottom, or left edge of the stack. Stacks are based on the web’s absolute positioning layout model.

  • Container: The Container widget lets you create rectangular visual element. A container can be decorated with a BoxDecoration, such as a background, a border, or a shadow. A Container can also have margins, padding, and constraints applied to its size. In addition, a Container can be transformed in three dimensional space using a matrix.

Below are some simple components that combine these and other widgets:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class MyToolBar extends StatelessComponent {
  MyToolBar({ this.title });

  final Widget title;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return new Container(
      height: 56.0,
      padding: const EdgeDims.symmetric(horizontal: 8.0),
      decoration: new BoxDecoration(
        backgroundColor: Colors.blue[500]
      child: new Row([
        new IconButton(icon: 'navigation/menu'),
        new Flexible(child: title),
        new IconButton(icon: 'action/search'),

class MyScaffold extends StatelessComponent {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return new Material(
      child: new Column([
        new MyToolBar(
          title: new Text('Example title', style: Typography.white.title)
        new Flexible(
          child: new Center(
            child: new Text('Hello, world!')

void main() {
  runApp(new MaterialApp(
    title: 'My app',
    routes: <String, RouteBuilder>{
      '/': (RouteArguments args) => new MyScaffold()

Many widgets need to be inside of a MaterialApp to display properly, in order to inherit theme data. Therefore, we run the application with a MaterialApp and a single route (more on routes later) to our scaffold.

The MyToolBar component creates a Container with a height of 56 device-independent pixels with an internal padding of 8 pixels, both on the left and the right. Inside the container, MyToolBar uses a Row layout to organize its children. The middle child, the title widget, is marked as Flexible, which means it expands to fill any remaining available space that hasn’t been consumed by the inflexible children. You can have multiple Flexible children and determine the ratio in which they consume the available space using the flex argument to Flexible.

The MyScaffold component organizes its children in a vertical column. At the top of the column it places an instance of MyToolBar, passing the tool bar a Text widget to use as its title. Passing widgets as arguments to other widgets is a powerful technique that lets you create generic widgets that can be reused in a wide variety of ways. Finally, MyScaffold uses a Flexible to fill the remaining space with its body, which consists a centered message.

Material Apps

Flutter provides a number of widgets that help you build apps that follow Material Design. A Material Design app start with the MaterialApp widget, which builds a number of useful widgets at the root of your app, including a Navigator, which manages a stack of widgets identified by strings, also know as “routes”. The Navigator lets you transition smoothly between screens of your application. Using the MaterialApp widget is entirely optional but a good practice.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() {
    new MaterialApp(
      title: 'Flutter Tutorial',
      routes: {
        '/': (RouteArguments args) => new TutorialHome()

class TutorialHome extends StatelessComponent {
  Widget build(BuildContext context)  {
    return new Scaffold(
      toolBar: new ToolBar(
        left: new IconButton(icon: 'navigation/menu'),
        center: new Text('Example title'),
        right: [ new IconButton(icon: 'action/search') ]
      body: new Center(
        child: new Text('Hello, world!')
      floatingActionButton: new FloatingActionButton(
        child: new Icon(icon: 'content/add')

Now that we’ve switched from MyToolBar and MyScaffold to the ToolBar and Scaffold widgets from material.dart, our app is starting to look at bit more like Material Design. For example, the tool bar has a shadow and the title text inherits the correct styling automatically. We’ve also added a floating action button for good measure.

Notice that we’re again passing widgets as arguments to other widgets. The Scaffold widget takes a number of different named widget arguments, each of which is places in its layout in the appropriate place. Similarly, the ToolBar widget lets us pass in widgets for the left and the right of the center widget. This pattern recurs throughout the framework and is something you might consider when designing your own components.

User input

In addition to being stunningly beautiful, most applications react to user input. The first step in building an interactive application is to detect input gestures. Let’s see how that works by creating a simple button:

class MyButton extends StatelessComponent {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return new GestureDetector(
      onTap: () {
        print('MyButton was tapped!');
      child: new Container(
        height: 36.0,
        padding: const EdgeDims.all(8.0),
        margin: const EdgeDims.symmetric(horizontal: 8.0),
        decoration: new BoxDecoration(
          borderRadius: 5.0,
          backgroundColor: Colors.lightGreen[500]
        child: new Center(
          child: new Text('Engage')

The GestureDetector widget doesn’t have an visual representation but instead detects gestures made by the user. When the user taps the Container, the GestureDetector will call its onTap callback, in this case printing a message to the console. You can use GestureDetector to detect a variety of input gestures, including taps, drags, and scales.

Many components use a GestureDetector to provide optional callbacks for other components. For example, the IconButton, RaisedButton, and FloatingActionButton components have onPressed callbacks that are triggered when the user taps the widget.

Managing State

Thus far, we’ve used only stateless components. Stateless components receive arguments from their parent component, which they store in final member variables. When a component is asked to build, it uses these stored values to derive new arguments for the widgets it creates.

In order to build more complex experiences, however - for example, to react in more interesting ways to user input - applications will typically carry some state. Flutter uses StatefulComponents to capture this idea. StatefulComponents are special widgets that know how to generate State objects, which are then used to hold state. Consider this basic example, using the RaisedButton mentioned earlier:

class Counter extends StatefulComponent {
  _CounterState createState() => new _CounterState();

class _CounterState extends State<Counter> {
  int _count = 0;

  void _increment() {
    setState(() { ++_count; });

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return new Row([
      new RaisedButton(
        onPressed: _increment,
        child: new Text('Increment')
      new Text('Count: $_count')

You might wonder why StatefulComponent and State are separate objects. In Flutter, these two types of objects have different life cycles. Widgets are temporary objects, used to construct a presentation of the application in its current state. State objects on the other hand are persistent between calls to build(), allowing them to remember information.

The example above accepts user input and directly uses the result in its build method. In more complex applications, different parts of the widget hierarchy might be responsible for different concerns; for example, one component might present a complex user interface with the goal of gathering specific information, such as a date or location, while another component might use that information to change the overall presentation.

In Flutter, change notifications flow “up” the component heirarchy by way of callbacks, while current state flows “down” to the stateless components that do presentation. The common parent that redirects this flow is the State. Let’s see how that works in practice, with this slightly more complex example:

class CounterDisplay extends StatelessComponent {
  CounterDisplay({ this.count });
  final int count;
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return new Text('Count: $count');

class CounterIncrementor extends StatelessComponent {
  CounterIncrementor({ this.onPressed });
  final VoidCallback onPressed;
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return new RaisedButton(
      onPressed: onPressed,
      child: new Text('Increment')

class Counter extends StatefulComponent {
  _CounterState createState() => new _CounterState();

class _CounterState extends State<Counter> {
  int _count = 0;

  void _increment() {
    setState(() { ++_count; });

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return new Row([
      new CounterIncrementor(
        onPressed: _increment
      new CounterDisplay(count: _count)

Notice how we created two new stateless components, cleanly separating the concerns of displaying the counter (CounterDisplay) and changing the counter (CounterIncrementor). Although the net result is the same as the previous example, the separation of responsibility allows greater complexity to be encapsulated in the individual components, while maintaining simplicity in the parent.

Bringing it All Together

Let’s consider a more complete example that brings together the concepts introduced above. We’ll work with a hypothetical shopping application, which displays various products offered for sale and maintains a shopping cart for intended purchases. Let’s start by defining our presentation class, ShoppingListItem:

class Product {
  const Product({ this.name });
  final String name;

typedef void CartChangedCallback(Product product, bool inCart);

class ShoppingListItem extends StatelessComponent {
  ShoppingListItem({ Product product, this.inCart, this.onCartChanged })
    : product = product, super(key: new ObjectKey(product));

  final Product product;
  final bool inCart;
  final CartChangedCallback onCartChanged;

  Color _getColor(BuildContext context) {
    return inCart ? Colors.black54 : Theme.of(context).primaryColor;

  TextStyle _getTextStyle(BuildContext context) {
    if (inCart) {
      return DefaultTextStyle.of(context).copyWith(
          color: Colors.black54, decoration: lineThrough);
    return null;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return new ListItem(
      onTap: () => onCartChanged(product, !inCart),
      left: new CircleAvatar(
        backgroundColor: _getColor(context),
        label: product.name[0]
      center: new Text(product.name, style: _getTextStyle(context))

The ShoppingListItem component follows a common pattern for stateless components. It stores the values it receives in its constructor in final member variables, which it then uses during its build function. For example, the inCart boolean to toggle between two visual appearances: one that uses the primary color from the current theme and another that uses gray.

When the user taps the list item, the component doesn’t modify its inCart value directly. Instead, the component calls the onCartChanged function it received from its parent component. This pattern lets you store state higher in the component hierarchy, which causes the state to persist for longer periods of time. In the extreme, the state stored on the component passed to runApp persists for the lifetime of the application.

When the parent receives the onCartChanged callback, the parent will update its internal state, which will trigger the parent to rebuild and create a new instance of ShoppingListItem with the new inCart value. Although the parent creates a new instance of ShoppingListItem when it rebuilds, that operation is cheap because the framework compares the newly built widgets with the previously built widgets and applies only the differences to the underlying render objects.

Let’s look at an example parent widget that stores mutable state:

class ShoppingList extends StatefulComponent {
  ShoppingList({ Key key, this.products }) : super(key: key);

  final List<Product> products;

  _ShoppingListState createState() => new _ShoppingListState();

class _ShoppingListState extends State<ShoppingList> {
  Set<Product> _shoppingCart = new Set<Product>();

  void _handleCartChanged(Product product, bool inCart) {
    setState(() {
      if (inCart)

  Widget build(BuildContext context)  {
    return new Scaffold(
      toolBar: new ToolBar(
        center: new Text('Shopping List')
      body: new MaterialList<Product>(
        type: MaterialListType.oneLineWithAvatar,
        items: config.products,
        itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, Product product) {
          return new ShoppingListItem(
            product: product,
            inCart: _shoppingCart.contains(product),
            onCartChanged: _handleCartChanged

void main() {
  runApp(new MaterialApp(
    title: 'Shopping List',
    routes: {
      '/': (RouteArguments args) => new ShoppingList(
        products: [
          new Product(name: 'Eggs'),
          new Product(name: 'Flour'),
          new Product(name: 'Chocolate chips'),

The ShoppingList class extends StatefulComponent, which means this component stores mutable state. When the ShoppingList component is first inserted into the tree, the framework calls the createState function to create a fresh instance of _ShoppingListState to associate with that location in the tree. (Notice that we typically name subclasses of State with leading underscores to indicate that they are private implementation details.) When this component’s parent rebuilds, the parent will create a new instance of ShoppingList, but the framework will reuse the _ShoppingListState instance that is already in the tree rather than calling createState again.

To access properties of the current ShoppingList, the _ShoppingListState can use its config property. If the parent rebuilds and creates a new ShoppingList, the _ShoppingListState will also rebuild with the new config value. If you wish to be notified when the config property changes, you can override the didUpdateConfig function, which is passed the oldConfig to let you compare the old configuration with the current config.

When handling the onCartChanged callback, the _ShoppingListState mutates its internal state by either adding or removing a product from _shoppingCart. To signal to the framework that it changes its internal state, it wraps those calls in a setState call. Calling setState marks this component as dirty and schedules it to be rebuilt the next time your app needs to update the screen. If you forget to call setState when modifying the internal state of a component, the framework won’t know your component is dirty and might not call the component’s build function, which means the user interface might not update to reflect the changed state.

By managing state in this way, you don’t need to write separate code for creating and updating subcomponents. Instead, you simply implement the build function, which handles both situations.

initState and dispose

After calling createState on the StatefulComponent, the framework inserts the new state object into the tree and then calls initState on the state object. A subclass of State can override initState to do work that needs to happen just once. For example, you can override initState to configure animations or to subscribe to platform services. Implementations of initState are required to start by calling super.initState.

When a state object is no longer needed, the framework calls dispose on the state object. You can override the dispose function to do cleanup work. For example, you can override dispose to cancel timers or to unsubscribe from platform services. Implementations of dispose typically end by calling super.dispose.


You can use keys to control which widgets the framework will match up with which other widgets when a component rebuilds. By default, the framework matches widgets in the current and previous build according to their runtimeType and the order in which they appear. With keys, the framework requires that the two widgets have the same key as well as the same runtimeType.

Keys are most useful in components that build many instances of the same type of widget. For example, the ShoppingList component, which builds just enough ShoppingListItem instances to fill its visible region:

  • Without keys, the first entry in the current build would always sync with the first entry in the previous build, even if, semantically, the first entry in the list just scrolled off screen and is no longer visible in the viewport.

  • By assigning each entry in the list a “semantic” key, the infinite list can be more efficient because the framework will sync entries with matching semantic keys and therefore similar (or identical) visual appearances. Moreover, syncing the entries semantically means that state retained in stateful subcomponents will remain attached to the same semantic entry rather than the entry in the same numerical position in the viewport.

Global Keys

You can use global keys to uniquely identify child widgets. Global keys must be globally unique across the entire widget hierarchy, unlike local keys which need only be unique among siblings. Because they are globally unique, a global key can be used to retrieve the state associated with a widget.

Some widgets, such as Input require global keys because they can hold focus, which means they receive any text the user enters into the app. The Focus widget keeps track of which InputState object is focused by remembering its GlobalKey. That way the same Input widget remains focused even if it moves around in the widget tree.